Breakfast Pizza

Pizza is not normally something you associate with breakfast however, as I love eggs, bacon and pizza, I decided to make one as a brunch.

I don't have a cooked breakfast each morning but sometimes when I do, I like to try something different.

I have tried bacon and eggs in many different forms, and they are a combination that never fails to please the pallete, and it can be served either as a savoury meal, or by adding maple syrup which goes wonderfully with these two magic ingredients.

When you make these you can use Turkish bread rolls as these make a nice breakfast meal, though you could also use a large ordinary roll, or even a pizza base.  However I think for breakfast I would prefer as I have made it - with the Turkish roll.

It is a quick recipe, easy and once again any beginner cannot fail with this one. 

For those of you who do not like cooking, this is a quick, easy recipe which does not require a lot of work.

You could possibly even use tomato sauce if you do not have any barbecue sauce, but the barbecue sauce just gives it that extra flavour.

Make sure your tomatoes are sweet, and vine ripened as these are usually far nicer and have more taste than the ordinary, cheaper tomatoes that you can buy anywhere.

You could also use ham or even proscuitto instead of the bacon, however as bacon is one of my favourite foods, I prefer to use bacon.

For me this recipe is heavenly as eggs are another of my all time favourite savoury foods, and I could eat them all day long, as I mentioned in a previous recipe.

This is also a very versatile recipe in that you are only limited by your own imagination as to what to put on this.  I had rocket leaves growing in my garden, so I added those after it was cooked.

This worked out fine, and you could use any other green vegetable if you have any growing in your garden.  It is a good feeling to be able to walk outside and pick what you want, and cook with such fresh ingredients, and they taste so much nicer if they are fresh from your own garden, and you know they do not have lots of nasty chemicals on them.

The other thing I always use is short cut bacon as this cut has very little fat on it which must be healthier than an ordinary slice of bacon.  Of course it is a bit drier than ordinary bacon, but I still always buy this healthier product!

The cooking time is only about 25 minutes for this and it includes putting the pizza in the oven and the egg actually bakes as against frying it.

A delicious brunch or breakfast, which I will make again.

Change the quantities to suit you as I always cook only small amounts as I am sometimes on my own for a few days at a time, and do not like eating the same thing over and over.

Preparation Time:  10 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 1 person

½ Turkish bread roll, halved horizontally
1 - 1½ tbsp barbecue sauce
½ tomato, vine ripened, sliced
1 egg
¼ cup Mozzarella cheese, grated
2 rashers short cut bacon
Rocket leaves, to serve

Preheat the oven to hot - 200°/180° if your oven is a fan forced one.

Line a baking tray with some foil, and put the barbecue sauce on half of the bread roll.

Put the tomato slices around the edge of the roll.

Then very carefully break an egg into the centre of the bread roll - I actually took a bit of the white part of the bread out in the middle so the egg would fit in and not overflow, as I use large eggs!  I also put the roll on the baking paper lined tray BEFORE I put the filling onto it, so that I would not have to carry it far with the raw egg on it.

Sprinkle the Mozzarella over the roll/egg.

Add some salt and pepper to taste.

Cook the roll in the oven for about 15 minutes or until the egg white is just set.

While this is in the oven, cook the bacon, in a pan for about 2 minutes each side.

When the egg is cooked, top the pizza with the bacon and add some pepper, as needed.

Serve with the rocket leaves.


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