Florentine Biscuits with Lindt Chocolate
Despite the fact that the recipe was created in Florence during the Renaissance, and later exported to France, Florentine biscuits are considered to be a typical French pastry! These are delicious Florentines which, although they do not look as symmetrical as they do when you buy them in the shop, they taste so much better, and are without all the preservatives! They are quite simple to make though slightly "fiddly" with spreading the chocolate on the bottom after they are cooked -well worth the effort though! You could use any brand of chocolate - I just feel that if you use a good quality chocolate, it is like a good wine - the recipe turns out nicer. So, my lovelies, any dark chocolate will work on this recipe, though BEWARE - they are moorish, and will disappear fast! Preparation Time: 25 minutes Cooking Time: 4 - 6 minutes Makes: About 18 Florentines Ingredients ¾ cup sultanas 2 cups Corn Flakes ¾ cup toasted unsalted peanuts, chopped coarsle...